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Individual Registration

Our Climate Solutions Annual Seattle Celebration will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 5pm-8:30pm at the Westin Seattle.

Join Us: Thoughtfully Select the Amount You Can Pay

We've offered a range of ticket prices in an effort to make our events more accessible and financially equitable. The higher ticket prices make it possible to offer the sliding scale. Please register below by selecting the ticket type that best suits you. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Instructions for guests of table captains:
If you have been invited to sit with one of our table captains, please type the name of your table captain in the "Group Name" field on the next page so we can seat you together.  If not, no worries. We will take care of placing you at a good table. Thank you!

Register Here
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Individual seat registration for those with access to resources $0.00

Individual seat registration for those with access to moderate resources $0.00

Individual seat registration for those with access to average resources $0.00

Individual seat registration for those with access to limited resources $0.00

Individual seat registration for those who are unable to pay at this time $0.00

I'd like to make an additional donation
