Interested in serving as a table captain?
We hope you can join us as a table captain for our Climate Solutions Annual Seattle Event on Thursday, May 23, 5:00pm-8:30pm at the Westin Seattle.
This is a great opportunity for you and your friends to connect with others building clean energy solutions to the climate crisis. The event sparks creative thinking, strengthens our resolve, and inspires hope, all while helping build support for the critical work of Climate Solutions in the Northwest.
The event is a seated and catered dinner. We anticipate attracting 500+ people including policymakers, business executives, community leaders, and supporters. Funds raised from sponsors and registrations provide general support to Climate Solutions. There will also be an ask for support at the event that will provide guests the opportunity to support our work.
As a table captain you would commit to attending the event, and to bringing 9 other people with you. You and your guests are each responsible for your individual seat registration. Seats are offered at a sliding scale. Co-captaining a table is also a possibility. Table captains are listed in our event print program.
To sign up or if you have questions, please contact Teresa Myers at