Please join Climate Solutions staff along
with your co-hosts:
Linda Andrews, Alex Asbury & Jacques Michel, Amy & Mark Baltzell,
Wendy Brown & George Wilhere, Eddy Cates, Tom Crawford,
Rene & Lee Doran, Tim Gates, Sam Garst,
Linda Glasier, Stacey Waterman-Hoey & Rich Hoey, Paul Knox,
Jay Manning, Miguel Perez-Gibson, Commissioner Sandra Romero,
Lisa Smith, Ted Sturdevant, John & Tiffany Tanasse,
Commissioner Karen Valenzuela, Commissioner Cathy Wolfe,
Alex Young
When: Thursday, April 12, 2012, 5:30pm-8:00pm
Where: Wine Cellar Room, Waterstreet Cafe, 610 Water Street SW, Olympia
Featured Speakers:
Gregg Small, Executive Director, Climate Solutions
Kimberly Larson, Communications Director, Climate Solutions
Hilary Franz, Executive Director, Futurewise
Linda Glasier, Community Activist
Come support Climate Solutions and hear about the stories from the Northwest
of how we are leading and making the clean energy economy real.
RSVP by April 4th.
If you can't attend but would like to make a donation, you can do so on
the donate page of our website.