Governor Kitzhaber is serving his third term as our Governor, focusing on transforming Oregon’s system of health care, creating a public education system that prepares Oregonians for the jobs and economy of the 21st century, and strengthening Oregon’s economy in every corner of the state. Last year, Governor Kitzhaber released a 10 Year Energy Action Plan which called energy THE issue of our time, both globally and here in Oregon. “No single issue will have a greater impact on our state’s economy, environment and quality of life in the coming decade.”
Tom Steyer
is a national advocate for investing in clean energy solutions to
address climate change. His targeted investments in renewable energy
research, advanced energy solutions, and community-building strategies
are aimed squarely at the intersection of economic development and
environmental protection.
Steyer and his wife, Kat Taylor, joined Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda
Gates and other high-wealth Americans in the “Giving Pledge,” a promise
to donate the majority of their wealth to charitable and nonprofit
activities during their lifetimes. He and Kat created and funded the
Oakland-based One PacificCoast Bank and Foundation. In 2010, Steyer teamed with former Secretary of State
George Shultz to defeat California’s Proposition 23, an effort by
out-of-state oil companies to dismantle California’s groundbreaking
clean energy law, AB 32.
Table Captains:
We'll need dozens of table captains to make the 5th Annual Dinner even
better. Please contact Teresa Myers if you are interested in being a
table captain.
Table captain information and guide.
As a clean economy leader, you understand the importance of strong
policy and powerful networks to build the foundations for a sustainable,
carbon-free prosperity for the region. The Climate Solutions annual dinner has become the premier event in the region where business
leaders, elected officials, and clean energy advocates gather to
celebrate successes and discuss pending challenges. Sponsoring Climate
Solutions is a great way to showcase your leadership and support our
mission. Please contact Teresa Myers if you are interested in sponsoring. Online sign up is available on the left hand side of this page.
Here are the sponsor levels, benefits, form and corporate gifts acceptance policy.
Table Host:
We'd love for you to consider hosting a table. For more information click on the registration for table hosts link or contact Teresa.
and put "Dinner volunteer" in the subject line for more information.